The chiropractors at the Strolf rehabilitation and peak performance facility possess a vast degree of experience in treating all forms physical ailments experienced by clients. Where traditional medicine often fails to treat the above issues, chiropractic care is often a viable remedy.
Concussion Management
The Strolf Concussion Management Program provides real life support for athletes and individuals alike to help return them to normalcy and back to the sports they love. Concussion symptoms and side-effects vary greatly for each individual affected and it is imperative that they are treated in a timely fashion to reduce any long-term effects.
Custom Made Orthotics
World Leading Tamir Kfir Custom-Made Orthotics by Strolf! Our custom-made orthotics are worn by professional athletes all over the world, as well as individuals who are actively involved in fitness, training and those looking to improve their everyday cushioning, support and pain relief. !
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
The Strolf physiotherapy team is one of the most highly regarded physiotherapy teams in Canada. For many former clients who suffered from chronic pain and found no solution to their nagging discomfort, Strolf became their “last stop”. Their problem was solved.
Shock Wave Therapy
Strolf has received glowing praise for the results it has produced as a staple within many individual physical rehabilitation programs. The vast majority of patients experience a marked decrease in pain and increase in flexibility, in 1-2 treatments.
The chiropractors at the Strolf rehabilitation and peak performance facility possess a vast degree of experience in treating all forms physical ailments experienced by clients. Where traditional medicine often fails to treat the above issues, chiropractic care is often a viable remedy.
Concussion Management
The Strolf Concussion Management Program provides real life support for athletes and individuals alike to help return them to normalcy and back to the sports they love. Concussion symptoms and side-effects vary greatly for each individual affected and it is imperative that they are treated in a timely fashion to reduce any long-term effects.
Custom Made Orthotics
World Leading Tamir Kfir Custom-Made Orthotics by Strolf! Our custom-made orthotics are worn by professional athletes all over the world, as well as individuals who are actively involved in fitness, training and those looking to improve their everyday cushioning, support and pain relief. !
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation
The Strolf physiotherapy team is one of the most highly regarded physiotherapy teams in Canada. For many former clients who suffered from chronic pain and found no solution to their nagging discomfort, Strolf became their “last stop”. Their problem was solved.
Shock Wave Therapy
Strolf has received glowing praise for the results it has produced as a staple within many individual physical rehabilitation programs. The vast majority of patients experience a marked decrease in pain and increase in flexibility, in 1-2 treatments.
The majority of people who seek out chiropractic care do so to relieve back, neck and other neuromusculoskeletal pain – lower back pain being the most frequent complaint. In solving these pain challenges, chiropractic care is often used as a supplemental form of medical treatment, alongside traditional medical treatment.
While this is the case, it is interesting to know that satisfaction rates are typically higher for chiropractic care compared to medical care, with a 1998 U.S. survey reporting 83% of persons satisfied or very satisfied with their care. Where traditional medicine often fails to treat the above issues, chiropractic care is often a very viable remedy.


The Strolf Concussion Management Program provides real life support for athletes and individuals alike to help return them to normalcy and back to the sports they love! Concussion symptoms and side-effects vary greatly for each individual affected and it is imperative that they are treated in a timely fashion to reduce any long-term effects.
Concussions pose a challenge for coaches, friends, family and health professionals involved in the care of an injured athlete. The recovery time also varies widely from athlete to athlete, making it impossible to employ a one size fits all approach to rehabilitation.
Strolf is actively involved in combining new age science with old age wellness to help individuals in their road to recovery.
World Leading Tamir Kfir Custom-Made Orthotics by Strolf! Our custom-made orthotics are worn by professional athletes all over the world, as well as individuals who are actively involved in fitness, training and those looking to improve their everyday cushioning, support and pain relief. Each product is designed to suit diverse physical characteristics, relying on the specific demand of your life.
What are orthotics?
Orthotics are an accessory inserted into shoes in order to create the perfect fit for each unique wearer.
What do orthotics do?
Most people’s feet are not perfectly aligned with one another. Orthotics correct the biomechanics of the foot, which supports optimal landing and propulsion, better posture, and improved balance. Orthotics are also effective shock-absorbers, acting to reduce pain throughout the body (feet, knees, and back) for increased comfort and performance.
Who needs orthotics?
Most people have structural or functional imperfections in their feet, which do not always result in pain on a daily basis. Over the years, however, neglecting foot problems can lead to chronic pain, particularly in people who are physically active, or who spend many hours a day on their feet. Many athletes, amateur and professional alike, have foot problems that cause pain and injury, both of which ultimately harm performance. Structural or functional foot problems directly affect other parts of the body, including the knees, pelvis, hips, and spine, and can cause other physical ailments that can become progressively worse with time. Conditions such as heel spurs, stress fractures, muscle pain, inflamed tendonitis, repetitive sprains, diabetic leg-pain, back-pain, and sore knees are just a few of the issues that athletes may face.
Click here for the World Leading Tamir Kfir Custom-Made Orthotics by Strolf.
The bottom line is – if you can see uneven wear on the heels of your running shoes, or excessive wear on your everyday shoes, or if you suffer from pain in any of the above-mentioned areas, you could likely benefit from a properly aligned and fitted pair of orthotics. In many cases of discomfort, pain and suffering are unnecessary and can be relieved quickly and efficiently with correct orthotics.


the Strolf team is one of the most highly regarded physiotherapy teams in Canada. For many former clients who suffered from chornic pain and found no solution to their nagging discomfort, Strolf became their last stop. Their problems was solved.
The clinic utilizes a highly-effective multidisciplinary treatment approach that is individualized for each and every client which may include a combination of physiotherapy, acupuncture and shock wave therapy.
To see if physical rehabilitation treatments at Strolf are right for you, contact Strolf today for a free, no obligation consultation: 416-782-9911.
Strolf started to offer shock wave therapy in 2007, and has received glowing praise for the results it has produced as a staple within many individual physical rehabilitation programs.
Shock wave therapy is designed to “shock” an injured or painful area by generating new blood flow and cell regeneration in the area, while breaking down scar tissue that surrounds an injury.
Shock wave therapy is performed with a sophisticated shock wave machine. More often than not, a stylus which is attached to the shock wave machine is used to “drill” into the patient’s injured area in a rapid pulsating motion, causing no pain or discomfort in the process.
• plantar heel spurs
• plantar fasciitis
• tendonitis
• pseudoarthrosis
• stress fractures
• joint calcification
The vast majority of patients experience a marked decrease in pain and increase in flexibility, in as few as 1-2 treatments.